#1 digital agency for small business insurance
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Digital innovation at Insureon meets business demand

Insureon staff
Lee Anne Wright, VP of Account Management, speaks about how Insureon's digital approach helps create a seamless customer experience from start to finish.
View video transcript.

[video: an animated header displays the Insureon logo]

[video: a number of animated logos display for a variety of insurance carriers, including The Hartford, Philadelphia Insurance Companies, AmTrust Insurance, Travelers Insurance, Acuity Insurance, Chubb Insurance, The Hanover Insurance Group, Hiscox Insurance, and Liberty Mutual Insurance.]

LEE ANNE WRIGHT, VP ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT: As we are a true independent agency, we have a lot of different options, and businesses change. So what we have is we have the opportunity to look at your renewal, determine if that's the correct carrier, is the rate different, can we go to someplace else for different options, different coverages.

[video: illustrated footer displays the text: "Lee Anne Wright, VP Account Management"]

The risk managers on the stewardship team are very, very adept at doing this on the renewal, and they work with the clients, and it's really nice to be able to have all those carrier relationships to work with.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "Nearly 100% annual renewals"]

We enjoy a steady increase in customers because we of our renewal book and our relationship with our existing clients. You know, our existing clients trust us so much, we developed the rapport with them that they will refer us to other clients that they know as small businesses in their vertical, their business, their industry.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "400K+ small businesses served"]

Most of our clients have been with Insureon for a number of years, and they've developed the relationship with their account manager, and they know that if they have a question or if they have coverage question, or they they need additional coverages, that their account manager is now a risk manager and they know how to provide the best coverages for the price, and do the best for the client.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "Long-term client relationships"]

Our clients are not only staying with us and retaining their policies, but we're also looking all the time as the marketplace changes for additional exposures and coverages that they might need.

Our account managers are adept at coverages and marketplace trends right now. For example, a big marketplace trend is a cyber Insurance. You don't go a day without not hearing of a cyber breach, and all of our clients would need that important coverage, and our account managers know what carriers to go to, what the pricing is for your particular industry, and so they're there to help.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "Cyber insurance protection"]

I'd say one of the biggest opportunities coming is because we're a digital agency is the technology and the AI of the future. You know, we partner with our carrier partners on AI, and it will make the experience quicker and easier for our clients, as well as our account managers being able to renew our policies.

I would say some of the biggest challenges for our teams and our clients is climate change. And what happens in the insurance market is, you know, catastrophic losses like floods, you hear about wildfires, and that makes a pressure on the market. What happens is because of the pressure, everybody has to pay a larger premium. The only thing we can do is look at each and every renewal and exposure, and if the exposures are increasing for our clients, we look for alternate markets. We look for different ways to place the coverage, you know, different deductibles, different options for the clients to be able, for it to be more affordable for them.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "More affordable policies"]

Future of small business is going to be digital, we're also very very far ahead of the curve at Insureon because we already have our digital platform. We can have the client experience go from start to finish online. I also think that there's going to be more AI built into the digital platform where it's a more seamless experience for our clients.

[video: an illustrated header displays Trustpilot logo with a four-and-a-half star rating and the text: "Excellent"]

There's always going to be small businesses. No matter what happens in the world, we're always going to have people that are boots on the ground, doing what they do every day. They're going to need insurance, and we're here to help them.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "#1 digital agency"]

[video: an animated header displays the Insureon logo]

As an independent agency, Insureon has the ability to provide our customers with the best, most affordable coverage to meet their small business needs.

We spoke with Lee Anne Wright, Insureon Vice President of Account Management, about how with our digital approach to insurance, we’re able to provide a truly seamless customer experience that’s fully online – from start to finish.

Get insurance for your business with Insureon

Complete Insureon’s easy online application today to compare insurance quotes from leading insurance companies. You can also consult with an insurance agent on your business insurance needs. Once you find the right policy for your small business, you can begin coverage in less than 24 hours.

Related policies for your business:
General liability insurance
Workers' compensation insurance
Professional liability insurance

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