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How Insureon continues to innovate small business insurance online

Insureon staff
Dan Kazan, former CEO of Insureon, discusses the company's continuing impact on the online small business insurance market.
View video transcript.

[video: an animated header displays the Insureon logo]

DAN KAZAN, FORMER CEO, INSUREON: Small businesses account for 99% of the businesses in the United States, and during any economic upturn or downturn, small businesses generate more jobs than any other segment of the economy.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "1 million+ policies written"]

Insureon was started in 2011 with the idea that there was a better way for small businesses to buy insurance. Insureon is very proud of our ability to help our customers purchase and shop for insurance very quickly and easily, so that they can focus on running their businesses.

[video: illustrated footer displays the text: "Dan Kazan, Chief Executive Offer"]

Since that time, Insureon has become the largest digital insurance agency in the United States serving the small commercial marketplace. Furthering that growth in 2022, we became part of HUB International, the world's fifth largest insurance brokerage.

[video: a screenshot displaying the HUB International website]

Being the largest digital insurance agency in the U.S. serving the small business marketplace, we've developed industry-leading technology over the years that no one else has, and we also have unparalleled partnerships with the top carriers.

[video: a number of animated logos display for a variety of insurance carriers, including The Hartford, Philadelphia Insurance Companies, AmTrust Insurance, Travelers Insurance, Acuity Insurance, Chubb Insurance, The Hanover Insurance Group, Hiscox Insurance, and Liberty Mutual Insurance.]

That means that when a small business comes to our site, they're going to have the best choices available for the type of insurance they need for their business, and they're going to be able to get that insurance in the most efficient and fastest way possible. Insureon also has the best salespeople and account managers in the business, enabling us to provide the best customer service to our small businesses.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "#1 digital agency for small business insurance"]

Insureon's mission is to make make it easier for America's small businesses to buy and shop for insurance. Even though Insureon is already the number one marketplace for small businesses to buy insurance, we're always looking for ways to improve.

So over the next several years, we're going to continue to look at making the process of buying and shopping for insurance online more efficient for our customers, we're going to expand our product offerings, and we're going to continue to employ the best and most professional team.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "HUB is the 5th largest insurance broker"]

Being part of HUB International will also further our efforts to do that. We can use HUB's vast array of resources and worldwide knowledge to help us expand our business beyond what it already is today. More and more, small businesses will shop for and purchase insurance online in the coming years.

[video: an illustrated header displays the text: "$253.8 billion industry"]

This pattern has played out in nearly every industry over the past 20 years, and insurance will be no different.

Insureon being the number one place to buy insurance online already is very well positioned to stay as the best place to buy insurance. We're very proud of what we've accomplished, and we have no intention of slowing down.

[video: an animated header displays the Insureon logo]

Insureon has continued to lead small business insurance since 2011. Not only as the #1 digital small business agency, but also by joining Hub International, the fifth largest insurance broker in the world in 2022.

We spoke with Dan Kazan, former CEO of Insureon, to see how Insureon is helping shape the future of small business insurance online, and what customers can expect to see in the coming years.

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General liability insurance
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