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Commercial vs. personal auto insurance: Side-by-side

Insureon staff
In this video, we provide a side-by-side comparison of commercial auto and personal auto insurance. No matter how you use a vehicle for your business, know that there’s coverage available.
View video transcript.

There are a few key differences between commercial and personal auto coverage.

When your business owns the vehicle, then you need commercial auto insurance. It'll cover you, your employees, and even personal errands.

With personal auto insurance, it's perfect for the morning commute, but won't cover accidents on the clock.

When it comes to pricing, a commercial auto insurance premium can cost up to 150 dollars per month, depending on the industry you work within and your coverage needs.

Are you self-employed? There are auto policy options for you too.

Click the link below to find the right auto policy for your business.

This video explains a few key differences between commercial auto insurance and personal auto insurance.

When your business owns a vehicle, you likely need commercial auto insurance to comply with state laws. Personal auto insurance will cover your commute, but it won't cover accidents that happen while you're driving for work purposes.

With both policies, you can choose the amount of coverage and what kinds of incidents it will cover, such as damage from collisions or storms.

Get insurance for your business with Insureon

Complete Insureon’s easy online application today to compare insurance quotes from leading insurance companies. You can also consult with an insurance agent on your business insurance needs. Once you find the right policy for your small business, you can begin coverage in less than 24 hours.

Related policies for your business:
Commercial auto insurance
Hired and non-owned auto insurance
Workers' compensation insurance

Get business insurance quotes from trusted carriers

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