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General liability insurance: Why your business should start here

Insureon staff
Most small business owners start out with general liability insurance for its protection against common customer lawsuits. Find out how general liability can benefit your business, and get quotes from top carriers with Insureon.
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Small business owners are the heart of every community. They make things work and dream big. We protect those dreams by providing the right policies.

Welcome. A general liability insurance policy is essential if you open your business to the public, handle client property, and rent or own commercial property.

It's your first move. Most small business owners buy a general liability insurance policy right after they start their business.

If this is you, consider getting your policy today. Your location is open to the public, come one, come all. You work closely with customers and clients. Part of your business is handling client property. You rent or own commercial property.

What does a general liability policy do? Well, it can cover your legal costs if someone sues you over an injury, property damage, or advertising injury.

In short, it can be used for hiring a lawyer to court ordered settlements. Yes, let's avoid those.

More than anything, it protects your business and provides peace of mind.

A certificate of insurance may also make life easier when dealing with landlords and banks, they appreciate that you're covered.

Compare quotes and get the right policy for your business at insureeon.com now.

This short video explains how Insureon helps small business owners protect their dreams by offering general liability insurance. We give you a quick overview of how a general liability policy can cover common business risks from third parties (people outside your business).

For example, it can help pay for:

  • Slip-and-fall accidents in your office or shop
  • Accidental damage to a customer's property
  • Advertising injuries, such as slander, libel, and copyright infringement

Find an affordable general liability policy with Insureon

Complete Insureon’s easy online application today to compare quotes from leading insurance companies. You can also consult with an insurance agent on your business insurance needs. Once you find the right policy for your small business, you can begin coverage in less than 24 hours.

Related policies for your business:
General liability insurance
Business owner's policy
Commercial umbrella insurance

Get business insurance quotes from trusted carriers

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