Nurse Insurance

A smiling nurse with a stethoscope covering an elderly person with a blanket in a nursing home.
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Why do nurses need business insurance?

Working as a nurse can be a rewarding experience, but it also leaves you vulnerable to risks. Your employer's insurance, or that of a temporary agency, may not protect you. Business insurance provides protection against lawsuits and injuries that might otherwise overwhelm your small business.

Nurse reviewing a medical chart with a colleague.
Cursor pointing on laptop screen

One application, multiple quotes

Insureon helps nurses compare small business insurance quotes from top U.S. carriers online.

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What types of insurance do nurses need?

These insurance policies cover the common most risks faced by registered nurses.

Medical malpractice icon

Professional liability / medical malpractice

Professional liability coverage, also called medical malpractice insurance, covers attorney's fees and other expenses if a patient sues a nurse for an error, such as administering the wrong medication.

  • Failure to deliver promised services
  • Accusations of negligence
  • Mistakes or oversights
Workers’ compensation insurance icon

Workers’ compensation insurance

Most states require workers' comp for nursing businesses that have employees. It also protects sole proprietors from work injury costs that health insurance might deny.

  • Employee medical expenses
  • Disability benefits
  • Legal fees from employee injuries
Business owner’s policy icon

Business owner’s policy

A business owner's policy, or BOP, is a cost-effective way for RNs, LPNs, and other nursing professionals to combine commercial property insurance with a general liability insurance policy.

  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Damaged patient property
  • Business property damage and theft
General liability insurance icon

General liability insurance

This policy helps pay for lawsuits from common accidents, such as an elderly patient who trips and breaks a hip. It's often required for a commercial lease.

  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Accidental damage to patient property
  • Libel and other advertising injuries
Cyber insurance icon

Cyber insurance

This policy helps nurses pay costs associated with data breaches and cyberattacks. It can often be added to a business owner's policy or general liability policy for savings.

  • Customer notification expenses
  • Data breach lawsuits
  • Fraud monitoring costs
Commercial auto insurance icon

Commercial auto insurance

Most states require commercial auto insurance for vehicles owned by a nurse's business. It helps cover the cost of an accident involving your business vehicle.

  • Damage caused by your vehicle
  • Medical bills from an auto accident
  • Vehicle theft and vandalism
Looking for different coverage? See more policies.

How much does business insurance cost for nurses?

A healthcare worker calculating insurance costs.

A nursing professional who works independently will pay less for insurance than a larger business.

Factors that affect premiums include:

  • Healthcare specialty and scope of practice
  • Medical equipment and property
  • Business income
  • vWhere your organization operates
  • Years of experience
  • Types of insurance purchased
  • Policy limits and deductibles

How do I get nurse liability insurance?

It's easy to get nurse malpractice insurance and other policies if you have your company information on hand. Our application will ask for basic facts about your business, such as revenue and number of employees. You can buy a policy online and get a certificate of insurance with Insureon in three easy steps:

  1. Complete a free online application
  2. Compare insurance quotes and choose policies
  3. Pay for your policy and download a certificate

Insureon's licensed insurance agents work with top-rated U.S. providers to find the right insurance coverage for practical nurses, registered nurses, CRNAs, and nurse practitioners, whether you work independently or hire employees.

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Common questions about insurance for nurses

View answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about nurse insurance and more.

Are nurses required to get malpractice insurance?

While not often required by state law, nurses should still consider carrying malpractice insurance or several reasons, including:

  • Signing a contract. You might need it to sign a contract, join a healthcare network, or work at a specific hospital or other healthcare facility.
  • Acquiring a license. State laws require certain nursing professionals to carry malpractice coverage in order to get licensed.
  • Augmenting coverage. Employers sometimes provide nurses with a medical professional liability insurance policy. However, your employer's policy might only cover certain situations, or not enough coverage for a malpractice lawsuit.
  • Protecting your professional services. Anyone responsible for patient care should carry malpractice insurance as part of their risk management strategy. If you're accused of professional negligence, such as administering an inaccurate dose of medication, this policy can pay for your legal defense costs, including attorney's fees.

What is the most common malpractice insurance policy for nurses?

A claims-made policy is the most common type of malpractice insurance for nurses. With this type of insurance, the policy must be active at the time of the covered claim.

Also referred to as professional liability or errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, this policy differs from other insurance coverages, such as general liability insurance, which are occurrence-based policies. Occurrence policies give business owners the benefit of having insurance even after your policy lapses, so long as it was active at the time of the incident.

It's crucial to maintain continuous coverage with malpractice policies to avoid paying for a lawsuit out of pocket. Thankfully, insurance companies offer several contingencies for protecting businesses, such as setting a retroactive date where coverage starts prior to the policy period or adding tail coverage to your policy after its expiration date.

Typically, your professional liability will include limits of liability, with a standard $1 million per-occurrence limit and a $1 million aggregate limit.

What types of malpractice insurance coverages should nurses get?

With the abundance of malpractice claim types, ensuring you have protection for each one is critical. You can protect your nursing services with several insurance products, such as:

  • Telehealth coverage for lawsuits related to virtual appointments
  • License defense coverage for incidents that threaten your nursing license
  • Needlestick coverage for injuries from needles and other sharp objects
  • HIPAA defense coverage for violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

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