Keyman insurance pays a death benefit to a small business if an owner, top executive, or other crucial team member passes away. It provides funds for the business to continue operating if the key...
Landlords often require business owners to carry commercial lease insurance. Learn why you may need to purchase tenant insurance before signing a lease, and the types of coverage you may need to...
As the saying goes, "time is money," and when data breaches and other issues stand in the way of doing business, they can add up to real dollars lost. Find out how business interruption coverage in...
Having sufficient liability insurance coverage is one of the most important things your business should consider. If it is underinsured and something happens, a costly lawsuit and judgment could...
Loans can help entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses in several ways, but paying them back isn’t always easy. If you’re unable to repay a loan, you can face severe legal and financial...