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Why your commercial lease requires tenant liability insurance

Landlords often require business owners to carry commercial lease insurance. Learn why you may need to purchase tenant insurance before signing a lease, and the types of coverage you may need to...

Fire insurance for small businesses: Protect yourself and your bottom line

Fire damage is one of the most common and expensive commercial insurance claims for small businesses. Taking the proper preventive measures can help protect your business against devastating losses...

Top 10 causes of accidents in the workplace and their costs
Knowing the most common workplace injuries and how to prevent them can decrease the number of workplace accidents at your business and increase your employees' safety.
Why do cyber insurance claims cost so much?

There has never been a greater risk of cyberattacks against small businesses, and the costs have never been higher. Learn why cyber insurance claims are so expensive, and how cyber liability...

Find insurance quotes for your business
Small business owner looking for insurance quotes on their tablet.
Professional liability vs. errors and omissions insurance
Professional liability and errors and omissions insurance both protect businesses from expensive lawsuits caused by unsatisfactory work. The language used may differ by industry.
6 ways to prevent burglary and theft at your business
You can't eliminate the risk of theft occurring at your business, but you can take steps to protect your assets and minimize the damage if an incident occurs.
How does a workers’ compensation claim affect the employer?

Workers’ compensation insurance protects your business and your employees in case of a work-related injury or illness, although a claim can still impact your bottom line through higher premiums and...

8 workplace safety tips for employers
Cultivating a safe work environment protects your employees and your business, in addition to saving you money.
Find insurance quotes for your business
Small business owner looking for insurance quotes on their tablet.
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