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Growing a business

How does a small business loan work?

Small business owners in search of startup capital may find that a business loan is the best means for getting their business off the ground. In this guide, we'll go over the basics of small business...

How to market an independent insurance agency
Marketing for insurance agents can include everything from polishing your website to sponsoring a community event. Find the methods that work best for your agency and your clients.
How to build a simple website to help your cleaning business grow
Building a simple website can add legitimacy for your cleaning business and help you acquire more clients. Use these tools and techniques to build a website for your cleaning business.
What business consultants need to know about consulting certifications and licenses
In addition to obtaining a business license, consultants are strengthening their credentials with professional consulting certifications.
Find insurance quotes for your business
Small business owner looking for insurance quotes on their tablet.
What to do when your client wants to cancel a policy
Insurance cancellations are a fact of life for every insurance agent. Here’s how you can keep them to a minimum – and what to say when a customer wants to cancel.
How to get more clients for your cleaning business
No matter what type of cleaning business you operate, you can find new customers and keep existing ones happy without busting your budget.
Does your business have the right to refuse service to customers?
Business owners have the right to refuse service to customers for legitimate reasons. Learn when it’s legal to turn away a would-be customer, and when it could land you in court.
10 tips to build customer loyalty at your restaurant
Having repeat customers is necessary to running a successful restaurant. Below, we explore 10 ways you can have happy diners returning again and again.
Find insurance quotes for your business
Small business owner looking for insurance quotes on their tablet.
8 ways to reach new customers online

Because you can target digital marketing to reach qualified leads, it's one of the most effective forms of advertising your business. Get the most out of digital marketing by defining your marketing...

7 ways to improve a consulting firm’s cash flow
To avoid cash flow and budgetary problems, consultants can use these seven tricks to manage irregular revenue and improve their firm's finances.
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