

Female customer reading a receipt
Product liability insurance

Find out how your business could be the target of a product liability case, take a look at actual examples of product liability lawsuits, and learn how you can protect yourself from this type of...

A stylized map of the United States
Workers' compensation insurance
The cost of your business's workers' compensation insurance varies state by state.
A group of people reviewing papers and graphs.
General liability insurance

Just like going to the doctor for a checkup every year, it's critical to do the same for your business. One way to keep your company healthy is to assess your insurance coverage and current policies...

A red semi truck cruises down a highway in Utah.
Property insurance

Property in transit coverage protects your business's equipment and goods while it's on the move. It can help pay for the repair or replacement of damaged or stolen business property while located or...

Two coworkers reading a document
Commercial umbrella insurance
Choose commercial umbrella insurance to protect your small business beyond the coverage limits of your current policies. Get free online insurance quotes and expert guidance with Insureon.
Commercial building engulfed in flames from a fire.
Property insurance

Fire damage is one of the most common and expensive commercial insurance claims for small businesses. Taking the proper preventive measures can help protect your business against devastating losses...

A personality profile assessment for employment on a clipboard.
Human resources & hiring
It is crucial for your small business to avoid inadvertently discriminatory pre-employment screening tests as part of your hiring process.
A woman rubbing her neck in pain at work.
Workers' compensation insurance
Knowing the most common workplace injuries and how to prevent them can decrease the number of workplace accidents at your business and increase your employees' safety.
A small business owner meeting with a prospective new client.
Growing a business
A business expansion can gain new customers, and potentially more profits, for a small business owner. Of course, you’ll need the right strategy to avoid growing pains and remain profitable.
Hands placed one on top of the other.
Workers' compensation insurance
Where health insurance coverage ends and workers' comp coverage begins can be confusing for employers and employees alike. Learn about how the two insurance policies differ from one another.
Person holding ankle near construction equipment.
Workers' compensation insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance protects your business and your employees in case of a work-related injury or illness, although a claim can still impact your bottom line through higher premiums and...

A construction worker clutching his knee in pain.
Workers' compensation insurance
Taking measures to ensure that your workplace is safe is cost effective and will improve employee morale.
Safety equipment for construction workers.
Workers' compensation insurance
Cultivating a safe work environment protects your employees and your business, in addition to saving you money.
Showing 1 - 13 of 13

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