
Cleaning services

Toy business men standing on a notebook with dashed lines on it.
Starting a business

A sole proprietorship is a business that’s owned and operated by one person, while a limited liability company (LLC) can be formed by an individual or a group of entrepreneurs. Each has their own...

Business person signing license paperwork
Starting a business
Regardless of your type of work, you’ll likely need a small business license from your state or local government in order to operate in your industry.
Post it reminder on calendar to file a tax return.
Cleaning services
You don't have to be a tax expert to get your cleaning business through tax season without a hitch. Find out how to navigate this year's tax obligations and deductions with ease.
Man standing in front of chalkboard filled with brainstorming notes.
Starting a business
Learn what a microbusiness is, the pros and cons of owning one, and key things to consider when starting one.
Keys placed on a wooden table in a pattern.
Cleaning services
If you own a business that's responsible for the keys of multiple clients or for an entire building, lost key insurance may be worth investing in.
A team of janitors cleans an office space.
Cleaning services

It isn't always easy to find the right workers for your growing cleaning business. Before you make a decision, consider the abilities and attitude of the candidate, as well as the legal ramifications...

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