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22 small business tax deductions for your return in 2025
There are a number of business tax deductions that can help you save money. Learn about which deductions your small business could be eligible for this year.
Do I need a business license as an independent contractor?
Whether you need a business license as an independent contractor depends on your profession and where you work. Some licenses also require you to carry business insurance.
What is the difference between self-employed business owners vs. independent contractors?

Anyone who works but isn’t an employee is self-employed. This includes independent contractors, although not everyone who is self-employed is an independent contractor. The difference depends on...

Sole proprietor vs. independent contractor: What’s the difference?

Both sole proprietor and independent contractor are terms that describe self-employed people. Which one applies to your business depends on the taxation structure and your professional relationships...

Find insurance quotes for your business
Small business owner looking for insurance quotes on their tablet.
7 tax season tips for cleaning businesses
You don't have to be a tax expert to get your cleaning business through tax season without a hitch. Find out how to navigate this year's tax obligations and deductions with ease.
What do you need to start a microbusiness?
Learn what a microbusiness is, the pros and cons of owning one, and key things to consider when starting one.
What is an employee?
Learn who’s considered an employee of your business, and why it matters when it comes to taxes and insurance.
Employee vs. contractor: How to make the right choice

While employees and independent contractors both complete work for your business, they have two different roles in your organization. Find out whether you should make your next hire an employee or a...

Find insurance quotes for your business
Small business owner looking for insurance quotes on their tablet.
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